event and multimedia consultant


Light It Up

Rigatoni - Valentine’s Day Shoot

It’s not every day you meet a 6-foot tall woman who lures you through the snowy streets of DC. I was thrilled to work with local drag queen Rigatoni to help bring her Valentine’s Day / Snowy Cupid vision to life.

Sex Tab

An annual tradition at The Diamondback, the sex tab is a chance for the photographers to flex their muscles in creative, and sexy, ways. The 2017 feature happened to fall on the same release date as our Thanksgiving issue, so in collaboration with designer Evan Berkowitz, I conceptualized, produced, and shot six sexy Thanksgiving Day meals.

Monster Smashed

A spooky drink book arrived at The Diamondback offices shortly before Halloween, and being the college students that we are, we knew we had to make these boozy beverages. Working with Diversions Editor Anna Muckerman, we picked what seemed like the best drinks in the book and threw a party. I designed custom lighting for each drink, shooting and editing as the drinks were made in real time. (By the way, yes that is corn in that last drink, and yes, it was disgusting!)

Find the whole "Monster Smashed" project here

It's Real

Before the #MeToo movement, there was "It's Real." In the Spring of 2017, I joined a collective of writers, designers, and editors from The Diamondback to work on a massive seven part project documenting sexual assault at the University of Maryland. Part four included interviews with survivors of sexual assault, and left me with the task of how to share these women's stories, while protecting their request for anonymity. Custom flash harnesses were designed in tandem with studio lighting to create these quote silhouettes, allowing the survivors to share a quote in their own handwriting.

Find the whole "It's Real" project here

Visualizing Death Valley

I found myself in a creative rut after a year and a half of doing the same type of photography day in and day out. A native of Colorado, the landscapes surrounding me in Maryland were not filling the mountain-shaped hole in my heart. I organized an IndieGogo and with Death Valley in my sight, I raised $1,125 for rental equipment. With a seasoned Death Valley traveler (my Grandpa) as my guide, I embarked on a three day journey, stopping everywhere I could to take photos along the way.


ambient/assembled was a labor of love over twelve months. Exploring the relationships between nature and the constructed, the gallery sought to find what made things beautiful. 

The show ran from Oct. 2 - 30, 2017 at the Chesapeake Arts Center in Brooklyn Park, Md.

Click on images to purchase, or go to ambient store here

Click on images to purchase, or go to assembled store here