event and multimedia consultant


Look at all these lovely shows <3

The three C's of back to school

As Summer draws to a close, students across the nation have started their way back to school. Returning from the beach, abroad, or in my case, crawling out whatever hole they dug themselves into over the break, students have been back at the University of Maryland for two weeks now.

Returning to the grind can be tough, but to me, these three C's can help you make it through the semester: caffeine, concentration, and concerts!

Most college students can attest that caffeine is the only way to survive the rigorous load they have taken on. Some get their fix through energy drinks, caffeine pills, or good old coffee.

I have never been too good at focusing, so this next one is really key for my continued existence at school. You have to concentrate and make sure you are doing your work. Studying the material you learn in class and putting in effort can help you retain the information longer, and more importantly, pass the classes you are taking!

McKeldin library is a great place to go if you have trouble concentrating in loud spaces, or need a big place to host your friends for a last minute study session! With seven floors, four of which are designated "quiet zones," you are sure to find a place to get some studying done!

Finally, it is always important to remember to have fun at college! Great organizations on campus like SEE (Student Entertainment and Events) help make going back a little more fun with events like the Fall Back to School Concert. This years headliner was singer BØRNS, who rocked the Ritchie Colliseum at a show just for Maryland students! Throughout the semester there are always plenty of concerts going on just a short metro ride away at any number of D.C. concert venues as well, such as the 9:30 Club or Echostage! Let the live music melt away the stress of the school year!

Hopefully the three C's can get you through this semester, I know they've always helped me! Always remember to eat well and get plenty of sleep and hopefully you too can survive the Fall semester! If these tips do not help? At least there are only 68 school days left until Winter break!