event and multimedia consultant


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Walking the walk

Ah, street photography. I hardly missed ye. My photography teacher in high school was super keen on street photography. We took two field trips a year to go downtown in Denver to take photos of the streetscenes and see what we could get. I haven't done a street shoot in almost four years at this point, so I was super excited to get back out.

It was a bit rough getting back on the horse of taking pictures of total strangers (without permission- eek!) but I had a good time walking around U Street and seeing the folks that walk the streets regularly. Unfortunately some people didn't take too kindly to my walkabout, as I had three people come up and try to get me to delete the photos I had taken of them. That's a new record for only two hours of shooting! Luckily for them (I guess?) their photos didn't turn out anyway.

Enjoy this gallery of images from D.C.!